Printable School Calendar Templates

Check out the selection of the best Printable School Calendar Templates, allowing students to correctly manage their time, efficiently cope with study assignments, and keep track of events in a convenient way. Popular with elementary, middle, or high school, these handy templates can be easily attached to your planner, placed on your desk, or hung on the wall.

You can choose the page size you are interested in, set the week start day (Sunday or Monday), and specify the desired start and end dates. Download the PDF file and print your new blank calendar, then you can start planning your school year.

Vertically School Calendar Templates is a great learning assistant, where you can leave various notes, plan a schedule and write down reminders of upcoming events.

These School Calendar Templates are designed so that you can comfortably plan various school events and effectively keep track of your current academic tasks.

2025 2026

Convenient and easy-to-use calendar, with the ability to customize the week start day, the beginning and end of the time period, and also choice of the page size you are interested in.

2025 - 2026 School Calendar Templates will facilitate the child's learning process and teach him to be attentive, organized, and disciplined. Students will be able to mark important dates, keep track of various assignments for the semester, leave notes on a particular lesson, complete homework on time, keep abreast of upcoming tests, and much more. The worksheets will help successfully cope with school tasks and achieve all goals along the path to education.