Monthly Mood Chart Template
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This awesome Mood Tracker Template will keep you on top of mood swings and track your emotional state effectively. By using a mood tracking system, you can better understand your feelings, take steps to eliminate depression, anxiety, and mental suffering, and improve your overall psychological health.
The tracker will be a great addition to your bullet journal. Don't hesitate to explore the emotions that affect your daily life. Download the sample now and send it to print.
Sections available in this template:
- Mood charts;
- Happy;
- Productive;
- Energetic;
- Relaxed;
- Neutral;
- Tired;
- Sad;
- Sick;
- Nervous;
- Stressed;
- Grumpy;
- Angry;
- Other emotions.
Great inserts. Exactly as described. Beautifully designed and practical in use.